Bo Mitchell is a recognized expert in the field of Emergency Management.
When you need an expert witness or consultant who’s status as highly qualified won’t be challenged, you can rely on 911 Expert’s president Bo Mitchell.
In addition to his extensive certifications and association memberships, he speaks nationally on subjects including compliance with federal, state, and local laws, identifying likely threats and risks, assessing strengths and vulnerabilities, and many other topics related to emergency management. He has been published in multiple journals and periodicals, as well as interview by an extensive list of national and regional news media organizations.
Selected conferences at which Bo Mitchell has spoken:
Corporate Conferences
- ACP Connecticut Chapter: Association of Continuity Planners
- ACP/NYC: Association of Continuity Planners, NYC Chapter
- AIMCAL: Association of Industrial Metalizers, Coaters and Laminators Management Convention
- ASIS Chapters Throughout the Northeast
- ASSE: American Society of Safety Engineers, Nat’l Conven. 3 times, Regional Conventions too
- CBIA: Connecticut Business & Industry Association, 2 times
- Continuity Insights NYC: Annual Conference
- CPE: Continuity Planning Exchange: Multiple Chapters
- CPM: Contingency Planning and Management, National Convention
- DRJ: Disaster Recovery Journal, National Convention 2 times
- Gov/Sec, CPM, Trexpo Combined National Conference
- IAPSC: International Association of Professional Security Consultants, National Convention
- IFMA: International Facilities Management Association, National Conference 2 times and Fusion
- NEDRIX: Northeast Disaster Recovery Information X-change, 3 times
- NFMT: National Facilities Management and Technology Annual Conference
- NFPA: National Fire Protection Association, National Convention, 2 times
- RIMS Fairfield/Westchester Chapter: The Risk Management Society
- Secured Cities: Annual Conference
- SHRM Birmingham Chapter Conference
- SHRM MA Metro-west Chapter, Society of Human Resource Managers,
- SHRM New York State: Society of Human Resource Management, Annual Convention
- SHRM Southern Connecticut Chapter Meeting
- SHRM:Society for Human Resource Management, National Convention: 2 times
- TFM: The Facilities Manager, National Convention
- The Hartford Risk Forum
- WSO: World Safety Organization: National Convention
Campus Conferences
- ADVIS: Association of Delaware Valley Independent Schools, Annual Convention
- AISNE: Association of Independent Schools in New England, 2 times
- CAIS: Connecticut Association of Independent Schools, 3 times
- CUPIC: College & University Police & Investigators Convention, twice
- FEMA: National All-Hazards Higher Ed, National Convention, 4 times
- IACLEA: International Assoc. of Campus Law Enforcement Administration, National Convention
- Metropolitan College of NY
- NAIS: National Association of Independent Schools, National Convention
- NASRO, National Association of School Resource Officers Annual Conference
- NCEA, National Catholic Education Association National Conference
- NECUSA: Northeast College and University Security Association, National Convention
- NYSAIS, New York State Association of Independent Schools
Selected journals in which Bo Mitchell has been published:
- IAEM – International Association of Emergency Managers: “Standards for Creating a Campus Emergency Plan”
- ISHN – International Safety and Hygiene News: “Run, Hide, Right: Responding to an Active Shooter”
- NAIS – National Association of Independent Schools: “What you Need to Know about Campus Emergency Drills”
- ASSE -American Society of Safety Engineers: “17 Mistakes Made in Emergency Plans”
- NECUSA – Northeast Colleges and Universities Security Association: “Protecting your People and Your Posterior – What are the standards for creating your campus emergency plan?”
- Continuity Insights: “Train Everyone, Including the Band”
Bo Mitchell has also been quoted or interviewed by an extensive selection of media organizations:
- New York Times
- Wall Street Journal
- Hartford Courant
- New Haven Register
- News Channel 12 Connecticut
- KGO All News Radio San Francisco
- Stamford Advocate
- Fairfield County Business Journal
- Corporate Connecticut Magazine
- Occupational Hazards Magazine
- Security Technology & Design Magazine
- KSIS News/Talk Radio Kansas City
- Michigan Talk Radio Network
- Cable Radio Talk Network: National
- WDUN News/Talk Atlanta
- WGVE Radio Chicago
- KPAM News Radio Portland OR
- Kansas Information Network Radio
- WCOJ Talk Philadelphia
- KFWB All News Los Angeles
- A New Day Network Radio (ABC)
- WDVW News/Talk New Orleans
- Right Balance Network News/Talk
- WDBO News/Talk Radio Orlando-Daytona Beach
- International Association of Emergency Managers Bulletin
- NE College & University Security Association
- National Association of Independent Schools
- WILK All News/Talk Scranton, PA
- Inside Homeland Security
- Code Red Radio: Washington, DC
- Security Newsletter
- WSO (World Safety Organization) Newsletter
- WSHU Radio Fairfield, CT
- WNPR Radio Hartford, CT
- Fox 61 TV Hartford, CT
- NBC Channel 5 TV, Hartford, CT
- WNLK Radio, Norwalk, CT
- WSFB-TV Channel 3 Hartford, CT
- WTNH-TV Channel 8 New Haven, CT