We are always up to date with current best practices.
Bo Mitchell is an active member of dozens of emergency management associations – keeping him constantly abreast of any developments in the complex laws surrounding it. He has access to resources in every area of the emergency management, and has had his insights into the field published by organizations such as the New York Times, IAEM, ISHN, NECUSA, and many others. Take a look at the list of association memberships he holds below.
Bo Mitchell
- ABCHS: American Board for Certification in Homeland Security
- ACFEI: American College of Forensic Examiners International
- ANSI: American National Standards Institute
- ASIS: American Society for Industrial Security International
- ASSE: American Society of Safety Engineers
- ATAB: Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board
- BCHCM: Board of Certified Hazard Control Management
- CBIA: Connecticut Business & Industry Association
- CEMA: Connecticut Emergency Management Association
- CPCA: Connecticut Police Chiefs Association
- CSS: Connecticut Safety Society
- CUPIC: College & University Police & Investigators Conference
- DRII: Disaster Recovery Institute International
- IACLEA: International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators
- IACP: International Association of Police Chiefs
- IAEM: International Association of Emergency Managers
- IAPSC: International Association of Professional Security Consultants
- ICC: International Code Council
- IFPCPP: International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection
- IFPO: International Federation of Protection Officers
- IHMM: Institute of Hazardous Materials Management
- IMI: International Maintenance Institute
- IMC: Institute of Management Consultants
- InfraGard: FBI/Private-Sector alliance dedicated to sharing information & intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the United States.
- ISHM: Institute of Safety & Health Management
- NASRO: National Association of School Resource Officers
- NCA: National Constable Association
- NEACOP: New England Chiefs of Police
- NECUSA: Northeast Colleges & Universities Security Association
- NENA: National Emergency Number Association
- NFPA: National Fire Protection Association
- NYPD Shield: NYPD & CT Shield
- NYSCOP: New York State Chiefs of Police
- OIP: Office of Infrastructure Preparedness
- OSAC: Overseas Security Advisory Council
- PCAC: Police Commissioners Association of Connecticut
- SIA: Security Industry Association
- WSO: World Safety Organization